Spotted Lanternfly Control Services in New Jersey

A Spotted Lanternfly rests on a tree in a New Jersey backyard.The spotted lanternfly, also known as lycorma delicatula, is a troublesome planthopper native to China, India, and Vietnam. In 2014, they were discovered in the United States for the first time. This type of invasive insect is notorious for wreaking havoc on trees, crops, and other vegetation throughout the northeastern United States, and well-known states such as New Jersey. These insects appear gray with black spots when not in flight, but when they open their wings, their red and black hind wings and black and yellow abdomen become visible.

The life cycle of a Spotted Lanternfly:

The spotted lanternfly takes less than a year to go from egg to full adult.

  1. Eggs hatch: Spotted lanternfly eggs look like masses of mud that have been smeared. These eggs begin to hatch in May all the way through June.
  2. Nymphs: Spotted lanternflies have four different nymph stages, which take place from June to July.
  3. Adult: Anywhere from June to December, spotted lanternflies are full grown and begin looking for mates.
  4. Laying eggs: They mainly lay eggs at the end of the summer, but this can happen through December.

It’s important to note that adults do not survive through the winter, which is why it is important to eliminate the eggs when found!

How Are Spotted Lanternflies Harmful?

Spotted lanternflies feed on and cause damage to a wide range of plants, including fruit trees, grapevines, and other hardwoods. The trees and plants become weakened when the spotted lanternfly begins to feed on the sap of these trees and then secretes honeydew that transforms into mold. This deteriorates the health of trees and attracts other harmful insects.

How long does the product last?
We provide two treatments for the Spotted Lanternfly per season, each of which can last up to 90 days.

Can I get a re-spray?
Yes, If Spotted Lanternflies are still present on your treated tree 30 days after the initial treatment cycle. Our team will schedule a re-spray for your property, and our technicians will service and re-spray the impacted tree trunk.

What kind of trees or plants do Spotted Lanternflies prefer?
The Spotted Lanternfly prefers the “Tree of Heaven,” which resembles a fern-like bush/sapling or a large fern-like tree without flowers. If you have this tree or saplings, it is strongly recommended that you cut them down or treat them right away. Spotted Lanternflies prefer trees with smooth bark, but they will feed on a wide variety of trees and plants across the Greater South Jersey area, including but not limited to: Maple, Birch, Oak, Willow, Beech, Ash, Black Walnut, Pine, and dogwood.
How do Spotted Lanternflies damage trees?
Spotted Lanternflies can cause tree damage because when they feed on tree sap, they produce a honeydew sugary rich substance that promotes fungal, sooty mold growth on the plant’s surface. The mold grows in black mats, interfering with the plant’s ability to photosynthesize by blocking sunlight. In addition, the honeydew attracts other insects that are harmful to the tree and can damage it, eventually leading to its demise.

What is the reproductive rate of the adult female Spotted Lanternfly?
A single adult female can lay up to fifty eggs, and the gestation period lasts from October to June of the following year. The eggs have been discovered in numerous areas, including trees, tires, patio furniture, decks, fencing, and other structures. Therefore, it is essential to locate these places and eliminate the egg masses as you discover them.

You can remove the eggs by recognizing them and scraping them off the surface into a bag of rubbing alcohol or by scraping and crushing them with a scraper knife or an old credit card. Just make sure you hear them being crushed and scrape them off thoroughly.

I don’t have trees on my property however, I have a lot of Spotted Lanternfly activity.
Often, the problem is caused by trees on surrounding properties. We recommend collaborating with your neighbor to see if they are interested in treating their trees to reduce the number of lanternflies buzzing over your yard or deck. Our treatment is not designed to treat decks, patios, or other surfaces they may land on. We solely treat the trees, which are their primary source of food.

By law, we cannot treat vacant wooded areas or other properties that do not belong to the paying customer.

The Most Effective Spotted Lanternfly Treatment in New Jersey

Mosquito Joe is dedicated to restoring outdoor fun through our exceptional pest control services, which is why we are proud to offer spotted lanternfly treatment services. Our experienced and licensed Mosquito Joe technicians will apply a one-time treatment or utilize a tree branding service technique to surround the trees that these destructive spotted lanternflies are feeding on, eradicating them and preventing their spread to additional plants and trees. If you need assistance eliminating the Spotted Lanternflies in your yard, give us a call today at 856-956-1711 or submit a free quote!